Sharing my experience on being happy and healthy one moment at a time!

Going Vegan Day One

Yesterday was my first day as a committed vegan.  Eating only 100% organic food since 1994 and then for the past couple of years I have eaten meat only at friends homes, family dinners and once in a while when some amazing beef jerky is around I just gotta have it. :~)

Then Friday night my husband Robert and I watched A Delicate Balance and I thought wow, now is the time to go vegan!  Helping all the species on the planet to live a life in balance and harmony is important to me.  Eating a plant based diet is one way for me to help.

So yesterday for breakfast I had green tea,  fresh almond & walnut milk smoothie with chia seeds and a half of a banana, lunch was beans and quiona, and dinner was peanut butter and greens.  For snacking on there was some sesame seed dehydrator rawkies (cookies that we make in a dehydrator) that had vanilla, cacao nibs and maple syrup for sweetness.  And I tried some new raw nori wraps that Robert created in the dehydrator, the nori wraps were a taste sensation comprised of parsley, green curry paste, buckwheat groats, flax seeds, the nori wraps and love.

I am blessed to have a kind and loving husband that prepares food.

Thank you for your time.

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